Vitamin D and Acne/Probiotics and Infants/Cannabis and Cancer/Cooking With Turmeric

Vitamin D and Acne

Vitamin D deficiency has been implicated in various skin diseases, including atopic dermatitis and psoriasis, but up until now there was no clear science on whether or not acne was also related to D-deficiency. Now a study has evaluated vitamin D levels in patients with acne to determine the effect of vitamin D supplementation.

This study included 80 patients with acne and 80 healthy controls. Their vitamin D levels were measured, and demographic data were collected. Thereafter, those who were deficient in vitamin D were given 1000 IU/day of D3 for 2 months.

Vitamin D deficiency was detected in 48.8% of patients with acne, but in only 22.5% of the healthy controls, and the lower the blood levels of vitamin D the more severe the acne symptoms were. In a follow up trial, improvement in inflammatory lesions was noted, after supplementation with vitamin D, in 39 acne patients with vitamin D deficiency.

“Comparison of Vitamin D Levels in Patients with and without Acne: A Case-Control Study Combined with a Randomized Controlled Trial.” Seul-Ki Lim, et al. Published: August 25  (Study)

Probiotics and Infants

Gastrointestinal disturbances are commonly found in children with brain disorders such as autism, ADHD, and Asperger’s syndrome. To test the idea that supplementation with probiotics might protect children against the development of such conditions, Finish researchers followed up on a study that was originally designed to test the effect of probiotic supplementation in infancy, on the later development of eczema.

In the original study (double-blind, placebo-controlled) 150 mothers were given 10 billion units of Lactobacillus rhamnosus, or placebo, daily for 4 weeks before delivery. After delivery, the same amount of probiotic was given to the mothers who breastfed the infants, or directly to the infants if they were not being breastfed, for another 6 months.

In order to see if the probiotics would help prevent brain disorders, 75 of the infants who received the probiotic (not the placebo) were followed-up with for the next 13 years, being evaluated by child psychiatrists and neurologists.

Results showed that ADHD or AS was diagnosed in 17% of the children in the placebo and none in the group who received probiotics at the beginning of their lives. This study concluded that: “Probiotic supplementation early in life may reduce the risk of neuropsychiatric disorder development later in childhood possible by mechanisms not limited to gut microbiota composition.”

Pärtty A, Kalliomäki M, Wacklin P, Salminen S, Isolauri E. A possible link between early probiotic intervention and the risk of neuropsychiatric disorders later in childhood: a randomized trial. Pediatr Res. 2015 Mar 11. (Study)

Cannabis and Cancer

The Journal Neuroimmune Pharmacology recently published an article titled, “The Antitumor Activity of Plant-Derived Non-Psychoactive Cannabinoids,” in which they reviewed the therapeutic potential of a non-psychoactive class of phytochemicals found in cannabis. Known as cannabinoids, these compounds, unlike THC, do not have any psychoactive properties, and thus do not get one “high.”

There are over 60 cannabinoids in cannabis, but it is the second most abundant one, cannabidiol (CBD), which has been found to inhibit and/or kill a wide range of cancers (in animal studies), including gliobastoma (a difficult-to-treat type of brain cancer), breast, lung, prostate, and colon cancer.

This short documentary explores the scientific explanation behind why cannabis compounds kill various cancers: “HOW and WHY Cannabis Cures Cancer – Scientific Explanation

Cancer Screening of Dubious Value

A new study published in the British Medical Journal is titled, “Why cancer screening has never been shown to “save lives”—and what we can do about it.” Their premise is that screening for cancer does not save lives because “disease-specific reductions in mortality do not equate to reductions in overall mortality,” and in fact, in some cases, overall mortality actually increased because of screening.  (Study)

For a short informative video on the subject, check out: “Should You Stay Away From These Harmful Cancer Tests?

Cooking With Turmeric

Perhaps one of the most valuable things we can do for our health is to ingest turmeric on a regular basis, whether as a food or supplement. For those who use turmeric as a food I suggest checking out the blog on “How to Cook with Turmeric” that offers tips on using, shopping for, storing, and cooking with turmeric. This blog, from (health coach and TV host, Chef Jennifer Iserloh) is written by someone who understands that the most essential components of turmeric are fat-soluble, and so turmeric needs to be used in recipes that contain some form of fat, in order to reap all the benefits of this fantastic herb/spice. On this site you can also download a free recipe booklet from the Skinny Chef called “Incredibly Tasty Recipes to Start Cooking with Turmeric”. 

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