Part 3: The Fungus Among Us
In this blog I will look at the prevalence of molds and fungus in our environment and foods, and how electromagnetic pollution is contributing to the unnatural overgrowth of these pathogens. I will also examine some ways we can avoid exposure, and supplements we can take to reduce the fungal load in our bodies. Given how long this material turned out to be, I will examine why coconut and MCT oil may be so effective at treating and preventing Alzheimer’s disease in Part 4, rather than here in Part 3 as I had originally stated I would do.
Mold and Mycotoxins
Aside from the Alzheimer’s connection, it is well established that molds can severely affect our health, and seriously compromise our immune systems. The term “toxic mold” refers to molds that produce mycotoxins, which are a heat-resistant byproduct of the mold, dangerous to human and animal health. Once these mycotoxins get into the body they can contribute to a wide range of health problems, including asthma and lung problems, cancer, cardiovascular disease, impaired kidney and liver function, impaired immune function, insomnia, sinus conditions, neurological problems, and even death, in some extreme cases.
Mycotoxin contamination affects about 25% of the world wide food and animal feed supply, so if you eat grains, or animal products from grain-fed animals, you are exposed to mycotoxin invasion. Both organic and conventional grains are susceptible to being contaminated with mycotoxins, and cooking does not markedly reduce their concentration.
And it is not just grain products that can be contaminated with mold or mycotoxins. Also commonly contaminated are nuts, seeds and poor quality coffees. This is one reason that some health modalities prefer that nuts and seeds be roasted rather than eaten raw: roasting can kill off mold. (Unfortunately, heat will not destroy mycotoxins, if they have already been formed.) Many vegetables are also susceptible to infection by fungal species, some during growth, and some following harvest. Mold growth has also been found on fermented meat products, including liver pâté, and on some cheeses.
(For more information on the presence of mycotoxins in modern life check out this article from The Bulletproof Executive: (Article) and this one from GreenMedInfo (Article)
A person’s reaction to mold will depend on their sensitivity, and other existing health conditions, the amount of mold present, length of exposure, and the type of mold or mycotoxin that they are exposed to. Prolonged exposure, such as in the workplace or at home, can be particularly dangerous. And mold spores are a common component of household and workplace dust, worsened in places that have had water damage (flooding, leaks, etc), or just dampness from living near the ocean, along with a lack of air circulation.
EMF’s and Mold
During my research for Health Secrets of the 21st Century, Volume 2, I discovered a little known fact: mold when exposed to electromagnetic pollution grows unnaturally fast, and becomes more toxic than normal. I have seen this occur in the house of my friend who lives near a bank of cell phone towers. Everything there molds far faster than normal: food (even food stored in the fridge), algae in the fish tank, and mold on plants.
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt (known as a specialist in mercury detoxification) on his website discusses the discovery that electromagnetic pollution increases the growth of mold. A Swiss scientist compared mold cultures grown in a faraday cage (which blocks all EMF’s), then exposed the same mold to just the ambient electromagnetic pollution found in his laboratory.
When exposed to the electrosmog from the computer, lights, and the nearby cell phone tower, the molds increased their production of bio-toxins by over 600 times, compared to when they were shielded from these frequencies. And, evidently those toxins were not just in higher quantities, but also more potent and dangerous than in their original form. (Website)
This discovery could be a partial explanation for the rise of antibiotic-resistant “superbugs” that are a growing problem in modern hospitals, since these buildings are loaded with electronic equipment of all types, often including cell phone towers on the roof.
It may also be one explanation for why some people are hypersensitive to electromagnetic pollution. If those people have candida fungus, mold, or other microbial infections in their blood already, such exposure to these fields could amplify and worsen their conditions. And, now that we see how mold in the brain can be linked to Alzheimer’s disease, I have to wonder if all our brain’s exposure to cell phones, and the prevalent electrosmog from wireless, cell phone towers, and smart meters, is not worsening the situation.
What Can You Do About Mold?
If you suspect mold may be a problem in your household there are some safety measures that you can take. Stay on top of cleaning, especially where mold is most likely to thrive, in damp environments (around showers, sinks and tubs). Use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter for your carpets, and use a HEPA air filter in your home. As well, it is helpful to use a dehumidifier to keep the humidity low in rooms prone to mold, such as the basement and bathrooms.
For optimal effectiveness choose an air filter that also is an ionizer, or “negative ion” generator. These machines, as well as filtering the air, also produce “negative ions” which are responsible for positive moods, and can combat depression and seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Negative ions are found in nature when we are by the ocean or in the forests or mountains. For our purposed here, negative ions will purify the air of mold, bacteria and toxins. Studies have shown that ionizers are effective in wiping out harmful airborne bacterial infections even in hospitals.
Certain foods and supplements have the ability to kill fungus, yeast and mold in the body. And a “live blood analysis” (available through Naturopaths) can determine if one is carrying excessive candida, mold, yeast, or microbes. And, even if one just suspects this is the case, due to related symptoms, it is safe to start a slow killing regimen. If you start killing these pathogens too fast, the “die-off” can cause one to feel ill, so ideally this is done with the help of a health professional, or after additional research on your part.
Antifungal Agents
Good antifungal agents include: black walnut extract; cinnamon (1 teaspoon is a serving; or extract capsules); coconut oil; colloidal silver; antifungal enzymes (such as those from Renew Life or Enzymedica); food-grade hydrogen peroxide; garlic (raw, or pills with allicin, not “aged” garlic); goldenseal; grapefruit seed extract; olive leaf extract; oregano oil (liquid or capsules); turmeric (1 tsp of powder in a fat medium, 3 times daily; or extract capsules).
After doing all this research into fungus I have started adding antifungal agents to my daily nutritional regimen. But, because, candida and other bad microbes can adapt to killing agents, it is usually a good idea to rotate between the various antimicrobial substances, either from month-to-month, or on a daily basis. For example, I might have some coconut oil with breakfast, an olive leaf extract pill mid-day, some oregano oil in the evening and some garlic before bed. Or I might use olive leaf 3 or 4 times daily for a month, then oregano oil for the following month, then colloidal silver the month after that.
For cleaning fruits, vegetables, nuts, etc, the best agent is food grade hydrogen peroxide. A solution of about 5 to 10% will foam up in the presence of bad bacteria or mold. Recently I soaked almonds and walnuts in such a solution. The almonds showed no difference but the walnuts foamed a lot, indicating that they were laced with either bacteria or mold. And when the H2O2 is done foaming, it will have killed most of the offensive agent, and the food can be rinsed and safely consumed.
In part 4, the final episode of this series, I will address the use of coconut oil and MCT oil for treating Alzheimer’s disease.