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Methyl-B12: Part Three
The Opinion of a B12 Expert Now, we are going to have a close look at one medical professional’s approach to the B12 situation. The following material is based...
Methyl-B12: Part Two
Why Vegans Need To Supplement With B12 Advocates of vegan and vegetarian diets often maintain that these people do not need to supplement with vitamin B12 because it is...
Methyl-B12: Part One
Methyl-B12: An In Depth Look There are many people unknowingly dealing with the negative effects of vitamin B12 deficiency, never thinking that this may be a health issue simply...
Preventing Influenza: Part 5 - Green Tea and Echinacea
Green Tea When building a lifestyle based on maintaining a healthy “terrain” and forbidding disease from gaining a toehold in us, one of our premier agents is simple green...
Preventing Influenza: Part 4 - Astragalus
The Benefits of Astragalus In the previous newsletter I examined the anti-viral and immune-enhancing properties of medicinal mushrooms, specifically the 6 mushrooms found in our ImmuneStart product. Backing up...
Preventing Influenza: Part 3 - Maintaining A Strong Immune System
Two of the best tonics for maintaining long-term general immunity are Medicinal Mushrooms and the Chinese herb Astragalus, both of which are available in NutriStart’s ImmuneStart product. General benefits provided...
Preventing Influenza: Part 2 - Superfoods - Lung Protection
Superfoods Garlic Referred to as “Russian penicillin” during WW2, garlic is not only antibacterial but also has antiviral properties: “...garlic and its OSCs (organosulfur compounds) have potential antiviral...
Preventing Influenza: Part One - Terrain and Diet
Preventing Influenza: Part 1 - Terrain and Diet As I write this, it is still early fall, but soon the cold and flu season will be fully upon us,...
The Natural Approach to Osteoporosis: Part 3
Foods That Protect Bone Health There is a reasonable amount of research on specific foods which help support healthy bones, and below we will take a look at those...
The Natural Approach to Osteoporosis: Part 2
Calcium Cofactors The proper approach to rebuilding bone is not to overload the system with too much of one element, calcium, but to add other elements that are powerful...
The Natural Approach to Osteoporosis
If a little is helpful, more must be even better, right? This Western concept of more is better seems to be the root of the medical profession over-prescribing calcium supplements....
Dirty Secrets of the Health Food Industry
Well, how can you go wrong with a title like that? (One alternative title would be “When Good Health Food Stores Go Bad”). And, to be honest, this will not...
Radiation: What You Can Do About It - Part Three
The Gift That Keeps on Giving Most of the damage following the Chernobyl crisis occurred in the decades that followed with increased cancer rates in the surrounding areas and...
Why You Need To Take Vitamin D Year-Round
First it needs to be acknowledged that vitamin D is the single most important nutrient that the vast majority of us need to supplement with, on a regular basis. “Vitamin...
Radiation: What You Can Do About It - Part Two
Foods to Fight Radiation Exposure All radiation that we absorb from the rain, water and food (especially dairy products and meats, since it accumulates up the food chain), following...
Radiation: What You Can Do About It
Preamble When I began writing for NutriStart we called the results blogs, then we decided to create newsletters instead, the idea being that the newsletters would be shorter and...