NutriStart Mineral Mix
Health Canada Licence NPN 80044069
Bone Building Formula
• Builds strong bone and teeth
With vitamin K2, Boron, and Silica
• Only two capsules per day
• Highest quality minerals including trademarked,
• Provides most of your daily mineral requirements
• clinically tested minerals/strong
• Supports alkalinity in the body
NutriStart Mineral Mix Bone Building Formula is a complete multi-mineral complex that contains minerals, vitamins and herbal extracts.
Where To Buy
What makes NutriStart Mineral Mix a superior mineral supplement?
NutriStart Mineral Mix uses coral calcium, which contains over 70 trace minerals, mineral-citrates and clinically-tested, patented mineral compounds, including Chromemate TM, SelenoExcell TM. As well, Mineral Mix uses Albion Amino Acid Chelates TM. Albion is renowned for its science and recognized as a world leader and innovator in mineral amino acid chelates.
Mineral Mix has the potential to rebuild bones and teeth. It is well known that all the calcium in the world won’t rebuild bone mass. In fact excessive calcium is now linked to heart disease in menopausal women, and the best we can hope to do with calcium supplementation is to forbid further withdrawal from the bone mass. But, certain compounds will channel calcium, and other necessary minerals, back into the skeletal structure, actually allowing for a rebuilding of bones and teeth. These include boron, silica and vitamin K2, all of which are present in Mineral Mix.
Balanced Calcium Magnesium Ratio
This formula provides an equal (1:1) ratio of calcium to magnesium. Since every 2 parts of calcium will use up 1 part of magnesium, in order to be assimilated, there is an advantage to having extra magnesium. The remaining magnesium, not used up by the calcium, will be available to serve other functions in the body.
Minerals for healthy organ function
Also included in Mineral Mix are appreciable amounts of chromium for blood sugar regulation, iodine for thyroid function, selenium, which acts as a powerful anti-cancer agent, and zinc, a critical immune supportive. This formula contains no iron as it is contraindicated for most men, and women past menstruation (unless diagnosed iron-deficient).
Why do you need extra minerals?
The modern diet is high in acidifying compounds including sugars and refined carbohydrates. Disease finds easy purchase in the body when it is too acidic. Minerals keep us in an alkaline condition, ensuring good health, while providing all the nutritional benefits that each mineral offers. One might think we can get sufficient minerals from the food we eat, but it is important to remember that minerals are derived from the soil in which foods are grown. There are usually insignificant amounts of these minerals found in commercial foods, commonly grown in depleted soil.Mineral Mix provides sufficient calcium and magnesium for those with a good diet who do not show any specific deficiency of either two minerals. Some may wish to take extra calcium if they have been diagnosed with osteoporosis, and extra magnesium, if they show signs of magnesium deficiency.
Unique Calcium Formulation
Calcium-magnesium combinations are available in a variety of forms including chelated, citrate, coral, carbonate and others. The perceived advantage of calcium citrate over carbonate forms of calcium (like coral) is only based on being taken on an empty stomach. On an empty stomach, calcium citrate absorbs much better than calcium carbonate. Since it is generally not advisable to take isolated nutrients on an empty stomach, if you are taking your minerals with food, the form of mineral is not as important. Mineral Mix uses coral calcium (along with citrate) because, as well as calcium, it contains over 70 other naturally occurring trace minerals.For people that consume a lot of dairy products, it is more important to make sure they get enough magnesium, as they can easily get too much calcium, which ultimately can deplete magnesium levels. In fact a recent study gave post-menopausal women only magnesium, no calcium, and halted bone-loss. This is due to the fact that most people consume dairy products, getting plenty of calcium, but do not eat sufficient dark green vegetables (broccoli, kale, Swiss chard, etc) to get enough magnesium in the diet to assimilate that calcium.Mineral mix provides an equal ratio of calcium to magnesium. Since every two parts of calcium will use up one part of magnesium, in order to be assimilated, there is an advantage to having extra magnesium. The remaining magnesium, not used up by the calcium, will be available to serve other functions in the body.
Supplement Facts
Serving size 2 capsules
Calcium (Coral/Citrate)
Magnesium (Oxide/Citrate)
Copper (Albion Amino Acid Chelate)
Zinc (Citrate)
Manganese (Albion Amino Acid Chelate)
Potassium (Albion Amino Acid Chelate)
Iodine (Potassium)
Chromium GTF (ChromeMate tm)
Selenium (Seleno Excell tm)
Molybdenum (Albion Amino Acid Chelate)
Boron (Citrate)
Vitamin K2 (MK7)
In a non-medicinal base of: Silica (Aqueous Extract of Bamboo)
Mineral Mix Frequently Asked Questions
How do I use Mineral Mix for Osteoporosis?
Mineral Mix provides sufficient calcium and magnesium for those with a good diet who do not show any specific deficiency of either two minerals.
For those with osteoporosis or the beginnings of it, it would be advisable to take 2 caps of Mineral Mix twice daily. This will provide extra calcium and magnesium, along with co-factors, sufficient for re-building bone mass. While some might think that the 400mg of calcium provided in 4 capsules is not near enough to the 1,000mg or more recommended by most doctors, this is simply not true.
Recent studies have linked high levels of calcium, in supplemental form, to increased risk of stroke and heart disease in post-menopausal women. The fact is that most cultures never receive more than 300 to 500mg of elemental calcium per day, when following their traditional diets. And, these cultures (African, Japanese, Chinese) did not consume dairy products (traditionally), and showed very little incidence of osteoporosis.
Mineral Mix Research
Osteoporosis prevention and nutrition
Magnesium deficiency and osteoporosis: animal and human observations
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