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NutriStart is dedicated to improving your health and helping you reach your optimal potential. We combine the best of nature and science, using the highest quality ingredients produced to exacting standards based on the latest nutritional research and information.

Founded in 1997, NutriStart has developed a reputation for high quality and affordable nutritional supplements.

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Methyl-B12: Part Three

The Opinion of a B12 Expert   Now, we are going to have a close look at one medical professional’s approach to the B12 situation. The following material is based on an article written by Jonathan E. Prousky, ND, MSc; Chief Naturopathic Medical Officer, Professor, Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. He wrote an overview of […]

Methyl-B12: Part Two

Why Vegans Need To Supplement With B12   Advocates of vegan and vegetarian diets often maintain that these people do not need to supplement with vitamin B12 because it is found in certain vegetable foods (spirulina and tempeh being the most common examples), and their intestinal flora will produce it for them, even if they […]

Methyl-B12: Part One

Methyl-B12: An In Depth Look   There are many people unknowingly dealing with the negative effects of vitamin B12 deficiency, never thinking that this may be a health issue simply because they are not yet elderly. Yet a number of factors can predispose us to poor B12 absorption, including certain ailments, genetic mutations, prescription drugs, […]

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  • Victoria, BC

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