This blog I will briefly touch on some new material, which relates to our previous newsletters, and to general vitamin material that is germane to us all.


VITAMIN A: While I am not in the camp of those who believes vitamin A is dangerous at moderately high levels, I do believe in erring on the side of caution. So, based on recent data concerning the relationship between vitamins A and D, and the implication that high levels of vitamin A may deplete the body of vitamin D, I am now officially suggesting that for every 10,000 IU of vitamin A that we ingest, in supplemental form, we also ensure that we take 1,000 IU of vitamin D.


These two nutrients do co-exist in nature, in the liver of creatures, which we used to eat as a natural source of these vitamins. This approach in turn suggests that if we are taking high amounts of vitamin D, we should consider taking some vitamin A, just in case the thesis works in reverse.


B-VITAMINS: As the subject has been covered in detail, in my book Health Secrets Volume One, I will just cut to the chase here.


B vitamins are the most over-rated of the nutritional substances, and not as benign as people believe. We have been taught to reach for extra B-vitamins whenever stress levels are high, and that any excess, being water-soluble, will just wash out of our bodies in our urine.


Unfortunately, B-vitamins are highly synthetic, pharmaceutical white powders. As such they are recognized by the body as chemicals, and must be processed through the liver. This adds to the burden of the liver and an excess of B-vitamins (100 mg or more) can actually raise liver enzymes in those with health issues.


The average B complex contains 50 mg of most of the B-vitamins; to obtain this in food would require about 25 days of eating. If we consistently take in this high a level of a nutrient, our bodies will become sloppy and lazy. The body will not conserve or utilize the nutrient efficiently, assuming that your environment is so rich in this substance that it can forget about it (as there will always be lots of it around). Thus, I always advise people to cycle supplements, at the very least skipping a couple days a week (usually the week-end for convenience sake).


If you have stress issues consider adding some L-Theanine to your regimen. This amino acid derived from green tea is such a quick and effective calming agent, it is used instead of Ritalin in Japan.


EFA’s: The fish oil market is now taking a swing away from “pharmaceutical grade”, and back to less processed. The current argument put forth is that molecular distillation requires high heat, and in fact damages oils processed this way.


As is common in the Western reductionist science, we start off looking at the heart disease rates in a culture that has a high omega 3 intake, from eating seafood, and before long, we are taking a fish oil pill with our steak. At least with just pressing the oil, and not distilling it, we are closer to the form the oil is at when it is obtained from eating the fish. These pressed oils are tested for mercury and other contaminants, and are usually made with small fish, krill, or salmon, which are not prone to high mercury levels anyways. Those using the cod liver will have little choice as the only way to clean up the toxins found in the liver of a large fish, like cod, is to distill it.


IODINE: As revealed in an early newsletter, I am a proponent of the theory that we need much more iodine than we commonly receive in the West. Not only do the Japanese get 20 times more iodine as we do, but we in the West also have to cope with iodine blockers in the modern lifestyle, including chlorine (tap water), fluoride (dentist, toothpaste), and bromides (found in breads, certain fruit juices, and flame retardants).


Two new pieces of data have come my way: one implies that the Lugol’s solution form of iodine (used by those of us who take large amounts) assimilates better if it is put into an acidic medium, like fruit juice. The other reminds me that selenium is an iodine co-factor, and if one is taking high levels of iodine they should make sure they are getting some selenium (100 to 200 mcg).


Another co-factor required for proper iodine uptake is the trace mineral tin. Because the Japanese are acquiring their iodine from seaweed, it is accompanied by 70 or more other trace minerals. Once we start ingesting high amounts of isolated iodine it is a good idea to complement it with as many of the missing trace minerals as is possible. This can be obtained from alfalfa, or kelp pills, but I prefer using “Concentrace Mineral Drops”. This liquid supplement is inland sea water (from Utah) concentrated, and with the sodium removed; thus it is much akin to the mineral profile that we would find in seaweed (which is also akin to human blood).


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